Python File Handling

Python allows us to read, write, create and delete files.

Juma Shafara


November 1, 2023


Python File Handling, creating files in python, deleting files in python, modifying files in python, reading files in python


Python allows us to read, write, create and delete files. This process is called file handling. This is what we will discuss in this lesson

The open() function

The open() function allows us to read, create and update files

It takes 2 parameters:

  • file - the file or file path to be opened
  • mode - the mode in which a file is opened for

The mode is a string that can either be any of the following:

Mode Meaning
'r' Open a file for reading
'w' Open a file for writing, creates the file if it does not exist
'a' Open a file for writing, appends to the end of the file
'x' Open a file for creating, fails if file already exists

Python File reading

To better explain this, let us say we have a folder named my_folder.

Inside my_folder we have the following files:

  • demo.txt

The content of the demo.txt file is the following

Hello World!
I love Python

Now our goal is to read the content of the demo.txt file and then print it using the file

To achieve this, we will use the open() function with 'r' mode.

# this is main code

file = open(
content =
Hello World!
I love Python

Reading Lines

We can also read each line using the readline() method.

# this is

file = open(

first_line = file.readline()
second_line = file.readline()

print('First line:', first_line)
print('Second line:', second_line)
First line: Hello World!

Second line: I love Python

Writing a File

In simplest terms, writing a file means modifying the content of a file or creating it if it doesnot exist yet.

In Python, there are 2 modes to write to file.

  • 'w' - overwrites content of a file, creates file if it does not exist
  • 'a' - appends content to the end of a file, creates the file if it does not exist

Example To better explain this, lets say we have a folder named my_folder. Inside my_folder we have the following files

  • demo.txt

The content of the demo.txt file is the following

I love Python

In this example, we will use the 'w' mode which will overwrite(replace) the content of the file

# this is

file = open(
file.write('I love JavaScript')

When the above code is run, the content of the file demo.txt will be this:

I love JavaScript

Another example, this time we will use the a mode which will append or add content to the end of the file

# this is

file = open(
file.write(' and JavaScript')

When the above script is run, the content of the demo.txt file will be this:

I love Python and JavaScript

Deleting a file

To delete a file, use the os module. The os modules contains the remove() method which we can use to delete files.

# this is

# import os

# os.remove('demo.txt')


  1. Develop a simple telephone directory which saves your friends contact information in a file named directory.txt. The program should have a menu similar to the following:
1. Add new friend.
2. Display contact info.
3. Exit
Enter menu number:

When you press “1” it should request you to enter following data:

---------New friend info--------
Name : Saman
Phone-No: 011-2123456
e-Mail :

After adding new contact information it should again display the menu. When you press “2” it should display all the contact information stored in the directory.txt file as follows:

--------------Contact info---------------
Name            Tel-No          e-Mail
Kamala          077-7123123
Kalani          033-4100101
Saman           011-2123456

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