Machine Learning Pipelining Quiz

Here are some multiple choice and true/false questions on machine learning pipelining

Juma Shafara


June 1, 2024


machine learning, machine learning classification, machine learning classification metrics, decision trees, python, precision, recall, f1 score, weighted, accuracy, linear regression


Here are some multiple choice and true/false questions on machine learning pipelining:

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What is the primary purpose of a machine learning pipeline?
    • A. To visualize data
    • B. To automate the workflow of data processing and model training
    • C. To analyze data manually
    • D. To store data securely
Reveal answer

B. To automate the workflow of data processing and model training

  1. Which of the following steps is typically the first in a machine learning pipeline?
    • A. Model evaluation
    • B. Data preprocessing
    • C. Model deployment
    • D. Hyperparameter tuning
Reveal answer

B. Data preprocessing

  1. In a scikit-learn pipeline, what does the StandardScaler do?
    • A. Select features
    • B. Scale features to a standard normal distribution
    • C. Reduce the dimensionality of data
    • D. Train the model
Reveal answer

B. Scale features to a standard normal distribution

  1. Which of the following is an advantage of using pipelines?
    • A. They make code less readable
    • B. They ensure reproducibility
    • C. They slow down model training
    • D. They increase the risk of data leakage
Reveal answer

B. They ensure reproducibility

  1. Which step in a machine learning pipeline is responsible for improving the model by adjusting its parameters?
    • A. Data preprocessing
    • B. Model training
    • C. Hyperparameter tuning
    • D. Model evaluation
Reveal answer

C. Hyperparameter tuning

True or False Questions

  1. Pipelines in scikit-learn can only include pre-built transformers and estimators.
    Reveal answer


  2. Using a pipeline ensures that the same data transformations are applied during both training and testing phases.
    Reveal answer


  3. You can use GridSearchCV with a pipeline to perform hyperparameter tuning on multiple steps simultaneously.
    Reveal answer


  4. The steps in a machine learning pipeline must be specified in a particular order.
    Reveal answer


  5. A machine learning pipeline can be saved to disk using joblib or pickle in Python.
    Reveal answer


  6. Transformers in a pipeline are fit using the training data and then applied to the test data.
    Reveal answer


  7. Model evaluation is typically done before model training in a pipeline.
    Reveal answer


  8. A pipeline helps in avoiding data leakage by ensuring proper separation of training and testing data transformations.
    Reveal answer


  9. Pipelines cannot be used for text data processing.
    Reveal answer


  10. Feature extraction can be included as a step in a machine learning pipeline.
    Reveal answer



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