Python Numbers

What are the different types of Python Numbers

Juma Shafara


November 1, 2023


python numbers


In python, there are three types of numbers



An integer is a number without decimals

# Python Numbers: intgers

a = 3
b = 4
number = 5

print('a:', a)
print('b:', b)
print('number:', number)
a: 3
b: 4
number: 5

Floating Point

A floating point number of just a float is a number with decimals

# Python Numbers: floating point
a = 3.0
b = 4.21
number = 5.33

print('a:', a)
print('b:', b)
print('number:', number)
a: 3.0
b: 4.21
number: 5.33


A comple number is an imaginary number. To yield a complex number, append a j o J to a numeric value

# Python Numbers: complex

a = 3j
b = 5.21j
number = 4 + 5.33j

print('a:', a)
print('b:', b)
print('number:', number)
a: 3j
b: 5.21j
number: (4+5.33j)

Number Arthmetics

# Python Numbers: arthmetics

summation = 4 + 2
print('sum:', summation)

difference = 4 - 2
print('difference:', difference)

product = 4 * 2
print('product:', product)

quotient = 4 / 2
print('quotient:', quotient)
sum: 6
difference: 2
product: 8
quotient: 2.0

Number Methods

Number methods are special functions used to work with numbers

# sum() can add many numbers at once
summation = sum([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])
print(summation) # 55
# round() rounds a number to a 
# specified number of decimal places
pi = 3.14159265358979
rounded_pi = round(pi, 3)

print(pi) # 3.14159265358979
print(rounded_pi) # 3.142
pi: 3.14159265358979
rounded_pi: 3.142
# abs() returns the absolute value of a number
number = -5
absolute_value = abs(number)
print(absolute_value) # 5
absolute value of -5 is 5
# pow() returns the value of 
# x to the power of y
four_power_two = pow(4, 2)
print(four_power_two) # 16
# divmod() returns the quotient and 
# remainder of a division
quotient, remainder = divmod(10, 3)
print(quotient) # 3
print(remainder) # 1
Quotient: 3
Remainder: 1

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