Softmax Classifer 1D

In this lab, you will use Softmax to classify three linearly separable classes, the features are in one dimension

Juma Shafara


August 12, 2024


Training Two Parameter, Mini-Batch Gradient Decent, Training Two Parameter Mini-Batch Gradient Decent



Table of Contents

In this lab, you will use Softmax to classify three linearly separable classes, the features are in one dimension

Estimated Time Needed: 25 min


We’ll need the following libraries:

# Import the libraries we need for this lab

import torch.nn as nn
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np
from import Dataset, DataLoader

Use the helper function to plot labeled data points:

# Create class for plotting

def plot_data(data_set, model = None, n = 1, color = False):
    X = data_set[:][0]
    Y = data_set[:][1]
    plt.plot(X[Y == 0, 0].numpy(), Y[Y == 0].numpy(), 'bo', label = 'y = 0')
    plt.plot(X[Y == 1, 0].numpy(), 0 * Y[Y == 1].numpy(), 'ro', label = 'y = 1')
    plt.plot(X[Y == 2, 0].numpy(), 0 * Y[Y == 2].numpy(), 'go', label = 'y = 2')
    plt.ylim((-0.1, 3))
    if model != None:
        w = list(model.parameters())[0][0].detach()
        b = list(model.parameters())[1][0].detach()
        y_label = ['yhat=0', 'yhat=1', 'yhat=2']
        y_color = ['b', 'r', 'g']
        Y = []
        for w, b, y_l, y_c in zip(model.state_dict()['0.weight'], model.state_dict()['0.bias'], y_label, y_color):
            Y.append((w * X + b).numpy())
            plt.plot(X.numpy(), (w * X + b).numpy(), y_c, label = y_l)
        if color == True:
            x = X.numpy()
            x = x.reshape(-1)
            top = np.ones(x.shape)
            y0 = Y[0].reshape(-1)
            y1 = Y[1].reshape(-1)
            y2 = Y[2].reshape(-1)
            plt.fill_between(x, y0, where = y1 > y1, interpolate = True, color = 'blue')
            plt.fill_between(x, y0, where = y1 > y2, interpolate = True, color = 'blue')
            plt.fill_between(x, y1, where = y1 > y0, interpolate = True, color = 'red')
            plt.fill_between(x, y1, where = ((y1 > y2) * (y1 > y0)),interpolate = True, color = 'red')
            plt.fill_between(x, y2, where = (y2 > y0) * (y0 > 0),interpolate = True, color = 'green')
            plt.fill_between(x, y2, where = (y2 > y1), interpolate = True, color = 'green')

Set the random seed:

#Set the random seed

<torch._C.Generator at 0x7789c3536f10>

Make Some Data

Create some linearly separable data with three classes:

# Create the data class

class Data(Dataset):
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = torch.arange(-2, 2, 0.1).view(-1, 1)
        self.y = torch.zeros(self.x.shape[0])
        self.y[(self.x > -1.0)[:, 0] * (self.x < 1.0)[:, 0]] = 1
        self.y[(self.x >= 1.0)[:, 0]] = 2
        self.y = self.y.type(torch.LongTensor)
        self.len = self.x.shape[0]
    # Getter
    def __getitem__(self,index):      
        return self.x[index], self.y[index]
    # Get Length
    def __len__(self):
        return self.len

Create the dataset object:

# Create the dataset object and plot the dataset object

data_set = Data()

Build a Softmax Classifier

Build a Softmax classifier by using the Sequential module:

# Build Softmax Classifier technically you only need nn.Linear

model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1, 3))
                      [ 0.5364],
             ('0.bias', tensor([-0.7359, -0.3852,  0.2682]))])

Train the Model

Create the criterion function, the optimizer and the dataloader

# Create criterion function, optimizer, and dataloader

criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr = 0.01)
trainloader = DataLoader(dataset = data_set, batch_size = 5)

Train the model for every 50 epochs plot, the line generated for each class.

# Train the model

LOSS = []
def train_model(epochs):
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        if epoch % 50 == 0:
            plot_data(data_set, model)
        for x, y in trainloader:
            yhat = model(x)
            loss = criterion(yhat, y)

Analyze Results

Find the predicted class on the test data:

# Make the prediction

z =  model(data_set.x)
_, yhat = z.max(1)
print("The prediction:", yhat)
The prediction: tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])

Calculate the accuracy on the test data:

# Print the accuracy

correct = (data_set.y == yhat).sum().item()
accuracy = correct / len(data_set)
print("The accuracy: ", accuracy)
The accuracy:  0.975

You can also use the softmax function to convert the output to a probability,first, we create a Softmax object:


The result is a tensor Probability , where each row corresponds to a different sample, and each column corresponds to that sample belonging to a particular class

Probability =Softmax_fn(z)

we can obtain the probability of the first sample belonging to the first, second and third class respectively as follows:

for i in range(3):
    print("probability of class {} isg given by  {}".format(i, Probability[0,i]) )
probability of class 0 isg given by  0.9267547726631165
probability of class 1 isg given by  0.07310982048511505
probability of class 2 isg given by  0.00013548224524129182

What’s on your mind? Put it in the comments!

About the Author:

Hi, My name is Juma Shafara. Am a Data Scientist and Instructor at DATAIDEA. I have taught hundreds of peope Programming, Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

I also enjoy developing innovative algorithms and models that can drive insights and value.

I regularly share some content that I find useful throughout my learning/teaching journey to simplify concepts in Machine Learning, Mathematics, Programming, and related topics on my website

Besides these technical stuff, I enjoy watching soccer, movies and reading mystery books.

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